Monday, August 15, 2011

Who wants cake?

I've been pretty slow at posting anything lately; just in case you haven't heard the news...WE'RE HAVING A GIRL!

A couple of weeks ago, we had our second ultrasound; as my wife, mom, and I looked on, we were able to see the healthy progression of our daughter's vital organs, see the measurements of her growing body parts, see her peek around at us a couple of times, and (of course) see girl parts.

This has made everything that much more real to us. No longer are we having a 'baby', we're having a little girl. Even now, we're no longer having a 'little girl' we are now going to welcome Madison Emery into our lives.

This weekend we've been busy registering for gifts and products to give her a great start to her life, and while LaWanda has been nesting in our current home, I've been trying to make progress on finishing the one we started some time ago.

There's lots to do, and such a short time to do it in. LaWanda is currently at 21 weeks, 2 days, which leaves us only 18 weeks, 5 days to go! Just typing those words in give me a sense of urgency I can't explain.

The day of our ultrasound, we were able to share the news with some friends and family in a special way to us. Our plan was to bake a cake with a blue or pink inside, and reveal our news to everyone by cutting the cake and serving each one.

So after the ultrasound, we stopped by to pick up cake supplies, decorations, and ice cream. Later on, LaWanda and I went to my parents house where my mom had already began baking our yummy strawberry cake. LaWanda and I then began making the icing from her recipe for butter-creme icing. After I took the reigns on the cake decorations; finishing up just in time, our guests started to arrive. After introductions, and just spending time together, we gathered everyone in to cut the cake.

We let the crowd pick sides to decide if they thought we were having a boy or girl - when it was all done, six said girl, nine said boy! about if we just watch the video for the rest of the story? Enjoy!

Click here to watch!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Gribble Family! I just wanted to let you know that I've been reading your blogs, and every time I read, I can't help smiling. I know Madison is a great blessing to you both, but when I think of who her parents are, I know she is blessed as well. I love you guys, and am keeping you all in my heart and prayers. ~Dre :)
