Saturday, July 2, 2011

April Fools! (not.)

In some ways, these first several posts will be playing catch up from not having started this blog sooner.. hopefully you'll cut us a little slack; after all, we have been getting accustomed to the idea that we're moving from a DINK family, to 'Gribble, party of three'.

Some of you have seen the little video I'm posting today, some have heard the story behind it, some have not; so I wanted to give the full account of what happened when we delivered the news to my parents.

Being married 18 years, you can imagine how mom & dad could have possibly mentioned, maybe once or twice, us having a child... yeah right... let's just say they've moved from mentioning 'grandbaby' to, 'we've lost all hope of ever becoming grandma & grandpa!'

Many years ago, my sweet little wife decided to play an April Fool's Day prank on my mom - you guessed it already haven't you? Yes, she called my mom to say "I'm pregnant".

Mom immediately through the phone & began running through the house jumping and screaming!
LaWanda? Well, she was on the other end of the phone gasping for air. Needless to say, she got in a little bit of trouble over that one... and never attempted that little prank again.

Another bit of background; mom once had a dog that would sometimes get itself into a bit of mischief. Mom's quickest solution to divert Sarah's attention, was to offer her a treat; so (again by my dear wifey) the joke was that if we ever had a baby, and said baby began getting into something they shouldn't... 'oh come here baby, let nanny get you a Little Debbie'.

Now, how does this stuff fit into the video?!?

Well, LaWanda & I wanted to give the news to mom & dad in a unique way; we thought of every thing we could, and surfed the internet for ideas, but finally decided to try to make things personal.

We waited until just before Mother's Day so that it wouldn't be quite as odd with us just popping in to deliver a gift (hence my dad, the grand-poo-pa, concentrating more on the tv than the gift. lol). After a quick trip to the store, we picked up a box of Swiss Cake rolls, two baby bottles (one pink, one blue), and grabbed one of LaWanda's positive pregnancy tests (absolute proof for doubting, gun-shy, April Fool's recipients).

After emptying the Little Debbie box (contents saved for you know who - also to keep away from my diabetic dad), adding a few bits of tissue, and wrapping in gift paper, we were satisfied with what we'd came up with... donning the video camera, we went to give them the gift they'd wanted for some time.

For those of you about to see this for the first time, we hope you enjoy it as much as we do; for those of you who have seen it before, give it another take with your new knowledge of what it means to us. We hope you giggle as we do each time watching the genuine look on dad's face as he quietly ask if we're serious (he really does have  a soft nugget-y center), and mom at the end, checking to see if the neighbors are home so she can call & tell someone.

Yeah.. they're going to make cool grandparents...

*Note* We've had feedback that some browsers may not be displaying the video correctly; if you are having this problem, please use this link: Click to view!

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